Cheap Flights to Manama - Manama Flights

You are viewing the lowest possible fares for cheap flights to Manama for departures up to 180 days in advance. These cheap Manama flights may not be available for purchase on your desired travel dates. Click on a desired departure airport name to display a detailed list of fares applicable to the selected origin, sorted by travel periods. The following page will help you understand how airlines structure their fares to Manama based on travel seasons, giving you an opportunity to pick the cheapest time to travel within the next half a year.

Compare Fares for Cheap Flights to Manama by Clicking on Your Nearest City

Atlanta Flights from $1,424

Departure date 6/4/24

Boston Flights from $991

Departure date 8/21/24

Charleston Flights from $1,396

Departure date 6/13/24

Detroit Flights from $1,330

Departure date 6/9/24

Washington Flights from $983

Departure date 8/14/24

Houston Flights from $899

Departure date 8/1/24

New York Flights from $995

Departure date 8/20/24

Las Vegas Flights from $1,536

Departure date 8/15/24

Los Angeles Flights from $1,328

Departure date 5/24/24

Miami Flights from $1,185

Departure date 6/1/24

Minneapolis Flights from $1,882

Departure date 6/6/24

Chicago Flights from $1,136

Departure date 6/2/24

Portland Flights from $1,630

Departure date 5/25/24

Phoenix Flights from $1,579

Departure date 6/1/24

San Diego Flights from $1,608

Departure date 6/10/24

Seattle Flights from $1,429

Departure date 5/24/24

* Listed sample fares include all fuel surcharges and airport taxes. Please use the flight search form above to search and display cheap fares applicable to your specific itinerary and travel dates.

Manama Flights Facts

Manama Flights Distance and Flight Time Calculator

Popular Picks:

  • New York - Manama: 6610 miles, flight time 13 hours
  • Los Angeles - Manama: 8220 miles, flight time 16 hours
  • Moscow - Manama: 2140 miles, flight time 5 hours
  • Sydney - Manama: 7780 miles, flight time 15 hours
  • Rio de Janeiro - Manama: 7140 miles, flight time 14 hours
  • Paris - Manama: 3010 miles, flight time 6 hours
  • Tokyo - Manama: 5150 miles, flight time 10 hours

Manama Highlights - From the Manama Flights Guide

Manama is a great destination for those looking for exotic monuments, vibrant nightlife and excellent shopping.

Read the rest of the Manama Flights Guide »

Manama - Bahrain Fort, the largest archeological site in the country

Bahrain Fort

The fort represents Bahraini ancient history. As the country's largest archeological site, it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It was built in the 14th century, but additional sites discovered nearby, date back to 3,000 BC.

Location: on the north coast of the island

Manama - Al-Fateh Mosque, the largest mosque in Bahrain

Al-Fateh Mosque

Bahrain’s largest place of worship and one of the world’s largest mosques, Al-Fateh Mosque can accommodate up to 7,000 worshippers at a time and boasts a huge fiberglass dome, currently the largest in the world.


Manama - nightlife getaway in the Gulf region


With its relaxed attitude towards alcohol Manama is a nightlife getaway for many residents of the Gulf region. It features most of the country’s top clubs and bars, where revelers can enjoy a wide selection of entertainment, from jazz to opera, ballet to salsa and theater to belly dancing.

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