Cheap Flights to Frankfurt from Miami

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Frankfurt Flights Shopping Tips

This fare display is useful for identifying general travel periods when cheap flights to Frankfurt (from Miami) might be available, and to provide you with insight on how airlines structure their fares based on travel seasons. We suggest you avoid searching for cheap flights with departures close to major holidays, such as Easter, Christmas, etc. Even though airlines might publish low fares for travel around holidays, such fares are very rarely available for purchase, because airlines try to sell significantly more expensive fares first before releasing the remaining cheap seats, if any, at the very last minute

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From Our Frankfurt Flights Guide: Conference Facilities

Conference service

A conference service with the works.

It's just like you were at your own company. Everything can be set up just as you are accustomed or your meeting requires. Practically at the press of a button, you can choose from an ample menu of professional services. State-of-the-art conference tools and equipment, including DVD players and beamers for presentations, are also available. In case you need a laptop, a printer or even a digital camera: no problem. You may even need an interpreter or want special floral decorations or a creative lunch — whatever your wish, we're looking forward to meeting it.


Important arguments call for perfect presentation

No matter how good an idea is, whether others accept it also depends on how it is presented. That's why you can depend on us to provide you with cutting-edge conference equipment. From audio to video, from projectors to microphones, from laptops to printers. With professional technology and attractive pricing.

Equipment and Rates in €

CD-Player // per rental // 30,00

TV-Monitor // per rental // 30,00

DVD-Player // per rental // 30,00

Video camera (with tripod) // per rental // 70,00

VCR (VHS, U-Matic, NTSC) // per rental // 30,00

Video cassette 180 minutes // per piece // 10,00

View-Station for video conferencing (plus unit costs) // per rental // 175,00

Beamer I (up to 600 ANSI-Lumen) // per rental // 90,00

Beamer II (up to 1500 ANSI-Lumen) // per rental // 90,00

Beamer III (up to 3700 ANSI-Lumen) // per rental // 90,00

Slide projector // per rental // 30,00

Overhead projector 250 watt (additional) // per rental // 30,00

Overhead projector 400 watt (additional) // per rental // 40,00

Overhead projector 575 watt (additional) // per rental // 50,00

Table for projector (adjustable) // per rental // 20,00

Flipchart (additional) // per rental // 15,00

Metaplan board // per rental // 15,00

"Pana" board // per rental // 30,00

Lectern // per rental // 15,00

Lectern with speaker // per rental // 90,00

Notebook // per rental // 100,00

Printer // per rental // 30,00

Laserpointer // per rental // 5,00

Microphone system (max. 20 table-microphones) // per rental // 170,00

Wireless- and tabel-microphones (additional) // per piece // 10,00

Loudspeaker (2 pieces) // per rental // 10,00

Eagle, speaker for telephone // per rental // 30,00

Audio cassette // per piece // 2,50

Technical assistance // per // hour 60,00

Communication services

Entirely at the service of communication.

We're excellently prepared to help you communicate. Anytime. Whether you want photocopies, printouts or CDs, to receive or send faxes, or need presentation transparencies, count on us to help you. We do everything to ensure good communication — with a smile.


Room for efficient meetings, briefings and conferences.

The AirportConferenceCenter offers you a thorough, professional service. Choose a conference room to meet your needs and preferences; we have rooms from 14 to 247 square meters in size and various seating options to handle every situation. All options are open to you.


Our goal is your wellbeing.

Attending a business meeting or big conference takes a lot of concentration — and from time to time you need a break to refresh your mind and body. Our catering services are perfectly geared to business events. We'll support you with creativity and flexibility, and our service includes meeting special wishes. Count on us to satisfy the unique requirements of your event. We'll make attractive suggestions and provide perfectly timed service. Whether it's a hearty breakfast, a snack of finger food, a business lunch or an international buffet, you're sure to enjoy it.


The AirportConferenceCenter is located in the Frankfurt Airport Center 1 (FAC 1), just a few steps from the piers. You'll find the passenger bridge from Terminal 1 to the FAC 1 above the two escalators in departure halls A and B.

If you have any questions or special wishes, please don't hesitate to call us. We'll be happy to advise you: +49-(0)69 - 690-7 05 00

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Partly cloudy. Warm.

Partly cloudy. Warm.
Chance of Precip.: 3 %
Wind: WNW 9 km/h

Broken clouds. Warm.

Broken clouds. Warm.
Chance of Precip.: 5 %
Wind: SW 12 km/h

Passing showers. Mostly cloudy. Warm.

Passing showers. Mostly cloudy. Warm.
Chance of Precip.: 57 %
Wind: W 16 km/h

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